What we have done in the past to help shape the future: Our projects.

Over the years, WTM Engineers has realized countless trailblazing projects in the fields of building construction, industrial construction, infrastructure and hydraulic engineering. Click here to find out all about selected projects in which we are proud to have been involved.

  • All fields of service
  • Industrial construction
  • Infrastructure
  • Building construction
  • Hydraulic construction

Springer Quartier

Kachlet weir and lock

Bergedorfer Strasse B5/A1 bridge

Indoor wave pool Meerzeit Büsum

Wheat mill Hamm

Whitney Museum of American Art

Kaifu Baths

A7 interstate extension, Hamburg-Schnelsen section

Fehmarnbelt tunnel

Congress Center Hamburg

Shipbuilding hall in Kiel

U3 city center subway line restoration

Siegtal bridge

Underground carpark at the CCH


Bundestag building at Schadowstrasse 4

Langenhorn Nord

Processing plant for green coffee

Second lock chamber, Trier

Building complex on Strandkai

European XFEL research facility

Huntebrücke, A29 interstate

Alter Wall 10–32

5th lock chamber, Brunsbüttel

Offshore Windfarm Baltic 2

Audi factory in Mexico

Reyher company grounds

Noise protection hangar, Zurich Airport

Marco Polo Terraces HafenCity

K+S production plants

Pedestrian bridge Bremerhaven

Hamburg Süd

HafenCity Substation

European XFEL headquarters

Grain and flour silo in Kuwait

Süderelbe crossing

Helgoland Harbour South Quay

International School Hamburg

Logistics centre with high-bay racking

Strengthening the coastline for Scharbeutz District

Frankenbach Container Terminal

Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier

Hamburg Municipal Authorities Administrative Head Office

Butterfly Bridge

Cruise Center II Altona

Vogtlandkreis District Administration Office

Bikini Berlin

Nykøbing Sugar Silo

Geesthacht Weir

Connecting HafenCity to the subway system