New subway line crosses under roads, waterways and Line U2 and provides two stations connecting HafenCity to the network

Through the U4 subway line, HafenCity was connected to the rail-based local transportation system to downtown Hamburg back in 2012. The route, which is about 4 km long, runs at depths between 20 and 40 metres beneath the road or water surface and under existing and planned buildings. The route was completed in three construction stages. The first involved the connecting structures at the existing Jungfernstieg station in the heart of Hamburg. From there, two tunnels with a diameter of about 5.6 metres and a length of about 2.8 km each were constructed using shield tunnelling through to the new Überseequartier subway station. The two new stations on the U4 line, Überseequartier and HafenCity Universität, as well as the 1.2 km tunnel track in between, were then made in the third stage using cut-and-cover construction method.

ClientHamburger Hochbahn AG
Project partnerZerna Ingenieure GmbH (local construction supervision)
Project dataTunnel length: approx. 4 km, three construction stages, Shield tunnelling: approx. 2.8 km, diameter: 5.6 m, Cut-and-cover construction method: approx. 1.2 km, single cell

Our services

  • On-site construction supervision of the line and stations
  • Third party check for the Überseequartier station

Download the project description PDF

Other reference projects in this field of service

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Siegtal bridge

Langenhorn Nord

European XFEL research facility

Huntebrücke, A29 interstate

Pedestrian bridge Bremerhaven

Süderelbe crossing

Butterfly Bridge

Connecting HafenCity to the subway system

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