Three slender bridge wings flexibly and delicate span Copenhagen’s canals; two of the wings are moveable, allowing sailing boats to pass

As part of the expansion of its pedestrian and cycle-path network, the City of Copenhagen held a competition for a new connecting walkway across the inner harbour and two canals. The winning entry was the collaborative design by Feichtinger Architectes and WTM Engineers for a cycle and pedestrian bridge with three arms to it. The structure across Christianshavn and Trangraven canals is located at canal junction. The bridges together form a Y-shape with a central connecting platform. The approximate 70 m² platform integrates with the fixed bridge arm, connecting the Islands Plads district with the two bascule wings. There is a pivot joint at the connecting end of each branch and the hydraulic mechanism underneath the bridge enables the arms to be opened independently of each other to let large sailing boats pass through. The structure resembles a butterfly when both wings are opened at once. Each mechanism consists of two cylinders to secure system redundancy. During the sailing season, the wings open roughly ten times a day, a process that takes no more than 90 seconds. The same time is needed to lower the bridge arm again.

ClientCity of Copenhagen
ArchitectsFeichtinger Architectes
Project dataTwo bascule bridges, one fixed bridge, max span: 23.0 m
Competition1st Prize, 2009

Our services

  • Competition
  • Project design
  • Structural design
  • Production supervision

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