After recalculation of costs, feasibility study, and structure inspection, a replacement bridge is being constructed as a BIM pilot project

The road bridge over the Hunte maritime shipping route east of Oldenburg running under the A29 interstate consists of a ten-span continuous prestressed concrete bridge with a total length of 441 metres. The structure has been in use for over 40 years. The results of recalculations for the superstructures together with an on-site damage analysis for some of the monitored damages, couldn’t confirm that the remaining service life was no longer impaired. A feasibility study was then prepared for the construction of new superstructures and continued use of the substructures as well as a main building inspection as per DIN 1076. The feasibility study considered, amongst other things, using lightweight composite structures to replace the superstructures and repair the substructures. This version was shown to be feasible, but the decision was taken to opt for a complete new structure. The latter will be constructed sequentially in sub-structures to enable traffic to continue to flow for the entire construction period over the respective second section. The procedure will be implemented as a BIM pilot project.

ClientState of Lower Saxony Road Construction and Transportation Authority
Project partnersgrbv Ingenieure im Bauwesen, meyer+schubart Beratende Ingenieure
Project dataTotal length: 441 metres, 10-span prestressed concrete bridge, Max. span: 56 metres, Clearance: 29 metres
Year of construction1978
Project statusUnder construction

Our services

  • Project recalculation
  • Feasibility study
  • Building inspection
  • Project design
  • Structural design
  • Demolition planning
  • Use of BIM methods

Download the project description PDF

Other reference projects in this field of service

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Siegtal bridge

Langenhorn Nord

European XFEL research facility

Huntebrücke, A29 interstate

Pedestrian bridge Bremerhaven

Süderelbe crossing

Butterfly Bridge

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