Conversion of the Grasbrookhafen into a marina for sports boats including new embankments, stairs, ramps and terraced outdoor spaces

Marco Polo Terraces are located between the Kaiserkai and the Strandkai in the western section of HafenCity. At the top end of Grasbrookhafen three levels of outdoor spaces have been created that lead from the flood-safe wharf level down to the waterside.

The individual terraces have been shored up by specially shaped cantilever retaining walls and linked to one another by stairs and ramps. Different surface materials, greened zones and wooden decks provide highly inviting leisure spaces. A sheet-pile wall running in an arc forms the embankment. The side rail is made of large-sized precast reinforced concrete structural components. The harbour basin behind the sheet-pile wall was sand-filled.

ClientHafenCity Hamburg GmbH
ArchitectsEnric Miralles Benedetta Tagliabue, EMBT Arquitectes Associats SL
Project dataArea: 5,700 m², Length of the harbour walls: 160 m

Our services

  • Project design
  • Structural design
  • Project supervision
  • Construction supervision

Download the project description PDF

Other reference projects in this field of service

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Marco Polo Terraces HafenCity

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