WTM Engineers is proud to have been awarded the “Hamburger Familiensiegel”, the Hamburg Family Seal. The official certification was presented to CEO Dr. Steffens and Andrea Scheyda of Human Resources at a special event in the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce on November 20, 2023. The seal is presented to Hamburg-based companies who boast family-friendly staffing policies. For us, this award is a valuable recognition and an incentive to make it easier for our employees to combine work and family life.
The starting point for all this was an assessment conducted by the “Hamburger Allianz für Familie“ (Hamburg Alliance for the Family), an initiative by the Hamburg Senate, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, and the Hamburg Chamber of Crafts. The audit showed just how much emphasis we place on family orientation, as well as our great flexibility in terms of reconciling our employees’ careers with their family lives. For instance, we offer a large number of different types of flexible working hours, part time work and mobile working. Our flat hierarchies and uncomplicated decision-making processes mean that when there is a sudden issue with their families, staff members can act as they see fit and as the situation demands. In order to relieve the stress on the affected employees as much as possible in such situations, we have had clearly defined stand-in arrangements in place for many years now. Moreover, we have implemented a whole raft of measures that come into effect where necessary, and these play an important part in our corporate Code of Conduct.
We are very pleased to receive this award and would like to thank everyone involved for their support during the audit.