A base in Kiel for marine research: the new GEOMAR

The new site of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel on Kiel’s East Shore.

The entrance area of the new research center.

View from the GEOMAR library across the Kiel Fjord.

The world-renowned GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel officially opened its new headquarters on the banks of the River Schwentine in May 2024. The institute employs almost 1,000 people, who were previously spread in offices all over the city. At its new location, researchers investigate processes in the ocean and how they interact with the seabed and the atmosphere. Alongside the 166 laboratories and 230 offices, the striking building is also designed as an open space and offers an extensive library and other places to meet up. At his visit to mark the opening, German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier emphasized the importance of research to protect the ocean.

As part of a joint venture with Prof. Feix Ingenieure, we planned the supporting structure for the building and the excavation pit and drew up plans for the sluices, for which a new pipe system was installed underneath the building.